We've been planning an experience calendar like no other in 2025. From Japan's deepest turns to yacht-based ski touring in Norway and the heliskiing adventure of a lifetime in Greenland, here is our 2025 preview.
What's more we're giving a pair of Faction skis to the party leader of all new 2025 group bookings.
Hokkaido is not the well-kept secret it once was, so we designed this trip to give our guests maximum competitive advantage for first tracks. Local Japanese guiding, early lift access, support people and vehicles are there to enable us to be in the right place at the right time - at the front of the line.
2025 will see the return of the 254 foot Legend to Greenland, a born and bred expedition-mega yacht and one of the pioneers of yacht-based heliskiing in Greenland. Join us for the ultimate arctic adventure.
If you haven't had your fix of powder in winter 2024, it's not too late! The season in the arctic latitudes of Iceland, Greenland and Alaska will soon be under way and, under the cover of darkness, the snowpack has been building up steadily...
If you have spent months, years or decades anticipating this trip, expectation and excitement levels may be off the charts. There is a saying among heliski guides – “slow is fast”, meaning if you want to go fast, don’t rush.
Get that heli-skiing or heli-boarding trip booked in 2024. If you wait, you'll just be another year older, so don't get left behind!
Private heliskiing, just you and a handful of buddies, is the ultimate. Your own helicopter to go where and when you want. Why not make it happen in 2024?
We guarantee Spain isn’t the first destination that springs to mind when considering your next ski trip. It may not make your list at all, but it probably should...
By choosing the right place and going with the right group at the right time of year you can set yourself up with the best odds of ramping up the pitch.
If you know where to look, there are some genuinely great deals to be had this winter. However, as usually happens with sales, the headlines only tell half the story...
El Niño years have a tendency to have a colder winter impact on northern Europe and a greater-than-average snowfall in the Southern Rockies
Leave London in the morning, heliski in Iceland in the afternoon and enjoy the Northern Lights from the hot tub by night – a seamless and spectacular heliski experience for 2024.
...“100,000 vertical feet, 8 hours of flying time, 36 runs...unlimited vertical...” Even to the most seasoned heli-skier untangling what this all means in terms of value for money and how much fun you are going to have, can be tricky. Here’s our guide to what it all means and a few potential pros and cons of each system.
Heliski seats are still available in 2024 (provided you know where to look).
Now you’ve secured your heliskiing or heliboarding spot, you’ll want to get the other aspects of the trip organized, from the travel arrangements to the equipment to pack.
The intricate coastlines of British Columbia and south east Alaska are dramatic on a scale hard to imagine. For those with a sense of adventure, this pristine wilderness of fjords, islands, rivers and glaciers will leave a lasting impression. Rising almost vertically from the calm emerald waters of sheltered fiords, towering snow-capped mountains provide the perfect playground for heliskiing and untapped adventure.
Tours overlooking the Arctic Ocean might just be the most magical ski experience of all - no tracks, no noise, no roads and just a handful of other people.
In March, Kat and James joined the infamous "Waiting Crew" on an exploratory mission to heliski in the Prokletije (Accursed) Mountains of Northern Albania.
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