Featured Adventure

The Driest Snow on Earth?

James Morland •

That super-low density, smoky-dry ‘champagne’ powder. The pinnacle of powder skiing, right? I'm not so sure.......

More often than not I’d take snow with a bit of density to it. Not to the extent that it turns to elephant snot, but not that zero-density, lighter-than-air stuff either. Just enough to get a bit of bite and some float. Don’t get me wrong, choking on bottomless cold smoke is something pretty special but the key word is bottomless. Anything much less than that and the frustrations of ‘dust on crust’ can ruin overnight expectations in a single turn.

10-15 cm of super-light fluff on a hard frozen base might make for OK to good skiing at best.....if it's a soft base or powder then better still. Throw in a frozen rut, tree bomb or baby mogul and it quickly becomes terrible skiing. On the other hand, take 10-15 cm of overnight snow, add a bit of moisture, break up the crystals with some wind and suddenly mmmm . . . you cruise effortlessly over that bump without feeling a thing - beautiful, fast, creamy powder. Confidence rises, the throttle opens and before you know it, it's an epic morning!

So next time you hear a resort boasting of champagne powder, make sure they serve it by the bucket load!

Where is the best snow we have ever skied? Undoubtedly, SIBERIA....But sadly it may be a while before we are headed back there!

Featured Adventure
Heli-skiers arrive at yellow helicopter

Heli-Ski Safari

By Jonas Ernevi •

This is not your regular Canadian heli-skiing. This is big wild northern British Columbia and compared to southern BC with all of its heli-ski operations sandwiched together; it’s like a different country.

Featured Adventure
Heliskiing Iceland, Image copyright Mathis Dumas

Luxury and Adventure in Iceland

By Elemental Adventure •

Now, to complement the rustic charm and family history of Klaensholl; guests have the choice of opting for on-the-edge-of-the-fjord luxury. Or, for those ready for the adventure of a lifetime – jump aboard the ‘Ring of Fire’ heliski tour.

Featured Adventure
The Kuril Islands at Sunset

The Kuril Islands & Kamchatka

By James Morland •

A more distant, end of the earth type place would be hard to imagine and for the past four years I had dreamed of skiing these gigantic volcanoes that rise so abruptly from the mythical sounding, Sea of Okhotsk.