Heli Skiing Siberia Lake Baikal
Heli Skiing Siberia Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal, Siberia Heli Skiing, Russia

Legendary Lake Baikal Powder

We have skied extensively in Russia since 2002 and ever since it has consistently offered up 'pleasant little surprises'. Having heard recent whispers of the most incredible powder snow on earth, in December 2018 we headed east to the remote Khamar-Daban mountain range on the southern shores of Lake Baikal in Siberia to check it out. After a recent cold snap of minus 30 degree centigrade and below, the temperatures had moderated to minus 10 to minus 20 and we were greeted with some of the most spectacular snow conditions any of us had ever experienced - deep, dry, cold Siberian smoke.

The heli-ski season in Siberia is early, starting in mid-November and ending mid January when temperatures drop, Lake Baikal freezes and there is less precipitation.



The Lowdown

Legendary Powder Snow

Between November and January the norm around Lake Baikal is to ski POWDER - lots of it and its deep and it's light. WIth many of the slopes well protected from the wind at tree line and below the exceptional quality of the snow is preserved for many days after a snow fall.

Awesome Ski Terrain

The ski terrain in Siberia is similar in appearance to the interior ranges of British Columbia but being slightly lower there is slightly less of an alpine element. Many of the forested areas are too dense to ski through but the beautiful and plentiful glades, often funnelling down to couloir-like features at lower elevations, make for some truly exceptional skiing and snowboarding. Pillow-lines, open bowls and nice mellow cruisers with the backdrop of the mythical Lake Baikal....and what's more, most of it has never seen a ski track before.

The Russian Experience

From flying over the Siberian Express or a decommissioned gulag to relaxing in the warmth of an authentic banya followed by a cool off swim in Lake Baikal, this is 'full Russian immersion'.

Prices & Dates

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