Heli Skiing in Russia
Heli Skiing in Russia Photo: Dan Milner

Russia Heli Skiing

Pioneering heliski adventures from Siberia to Kamchatka

From the smouldering volcanoes and steaming hot springs of the Kamchatka Peninsula to the powder laden peaks of the Caucasus and Siberia, there are few, if any places, that can match the scope and diversity found within the borders of this giant country.

Heli-skiing in Russia may conjure up images of old beaten up military helicopters, dodgy deals and kerosene-drinking pilots and to some extent this is true. But Russia is a big, mountainous country with lots of helicopters. Some of them are well maintained and flown. Some of them are not.

During the past fifteen years we have travelled and skied extensively in Russia and done the research that will enable you to book your heli-ski trip with confidence.

Russia is one of our favourite places in the world to heli-ski but the experience is definitely not for everyone. Things do not function as efficiently and smoothly as they do in the West and ‘waiting needlessly’ seems to be an activity that goes hand in hand with doing just about anything in Russia. In short, It’s a bit rough round the edges and if you expect the same levels of service and attention to detail common in North America or Europe you will be disappointed.

If you are looking for an adventure in a culturally rich country that boasts some of the most phenomenal heli-skiing and heli-boarding found anywhere in the world, Russia will get under your skin.

It is a view that will change the way I think about wilderness forever.

Rob Penn, FT How to Spend It

Where to heliski in Russia


We have skied extensvely in Russia over the past 20 years and are always happy to share our knowledge with you

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